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For more than three decades, Western Resource Advocates has used public policy to drive reductions in carbon emissions from the utility sector and to make clean energy investments. WRA works with state lawmakers and state agencies to develop and implement policies that regulate utilities to reduce carbon emissions across our region, and ultimately, to do our part to help limit global temperature rise to 2° Celsius. States can create bold environmental protections, even inspiring further federal action. For example, the federal Wildlife Corridor Conservation Act was modeled and enacted after nine states passed legislation promoting wildlife corridors and connectivity.

The Elakha Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Oregon, founded by tribal leaders, conservationists, and nonprofit advocates united by a powerful vision. We imagine an Oregon coast where future generations thrive alongside a restored sea otter population and a resilient marine ecosystem.

The Oregon Kelp Alliance (ORKA), with support from Oregon Sea Grant, has continued to develop and support collaborative projects to enhance our understanding of kelp forest changes and experimental kelp forest regeneration.

Hurricane Ridge OLympic Park Heritage Site Olympic Park Advocates was founded in 1948 when conservationists who helped create Olympic National Park regrouped to fend off timber industry efforts to remove the park’s spectacular rainforest valleys. OPA rallied again in the 1950s and ’60s to successfully defend the park’s incomparable lowland forests. Over the years they have defeated proposals for hydroelectric dams on the Dosewallips and Duckabush rivers, and helped pass the Elwha River Ecosystem Restoration Act, and then helped create the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. They continue to fight for the protection of the Olympics.